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US Sanctions Russian Imports

July 8, 2024

In response to the ongoing aggression of Russia’s evasion of the Ukraine, President Biden signed Executive Order 14066 on March 11, 2022, expanding the sanctions on Russia to include imports of Fish, Seafood, and preparations thereof, alcoholic beverages, and non-industrial diamonds. This action is in addition to the executive order signed on March 8, 2022, prohibiting the import of any crude oil: petroleum: petroleum fuels, oils, and products of their distillation: liquified natural gas: coal: and coal products.

The executive order also includes any other products of Russian Federation origin as may be determined by the Secretaries of the Treasury, State and Commerce.

This expands the initial sanctions that included export, reexport, sale, or supply, directly or indirectly, by any person in the US to Russia, of luxury items, and other items as determined by the Secretaries of State, Treasury and Commerce. 

In addition to the sanction of imports and exports of hard goods the executive order includes financial sanctions between any party in the US to Russian.

What if my goods were purchased prior to the Executive Orders, and are already enroute to the US?

The department of Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) has Authorized Transactions Related to Certain Imports Prohibited by Executive Order of March 11, 2022, on importation into the US of fish, seafood, and preparations thereof; alcoholic beverages; or non-industrial diamonds of Russian Federation origin pursuant to written contracts or written agreements entered into prior to March 11, 2022 are authorized through 12:01 am EST, March 25, 2022.

OFAC has also authorized the importation into the US of crude oil; petroleum; petroleum fuels, oils, and products of their distillation; liquefied natural gas; coal; and coal products of Russian Federation origin pursuant to written contracts or written agreements entered prior to March 8, 2022 are authorized through 12:01 am EST, April 22, 2022.

You will be required to show proof, such as purchase orders and/or executed contracts and/or any other documentation showing when the order and/or contract went into effect and that the purchase was executed prior to the date of the executive order pertaining to the goods for import. 


Regulatory References:

  • Click here to access Executive Order 14066, in its entirety
    CSMS - 51260049 – Petroleum Products
    CSMS - 51289217 & 51289159 – Fish, seafood and seafood products, alcoholic beverages, and diamonds