Importing A Car Into The U.S. From Canada?

Importing A Car Into The U.S. From Canada?

You wouldn’t be alone in thinking that importing a vehicle into the US from Canada is a simple matter. Cars and trucks cross the border all the time - why would the permanent importation of a vehicle be any more complex? Unfortunately, like everything at Customs, it’s not quite so simple. With admissibility requirements considering everything from the vehicle's age to country of origin to the absolute litany of governmental agency standards, bringing your vehicle into the US might end up being anything but straightforward.

Still, there are resources available when importing cars from Canada, so if you are reading this, you have already made an important first step: lean on the experience of the experts. This post is going to be a relatively light touch on what is quite an in-depth subject, so regardless of what broad strokes we provide in this blog, the best way to ensure that your vehicle makes it into the US issue-free is with the help of the tenured Customs brokers we have here at PCB. 

With that out of the way, let’s give you some idea of what will be required before you attempt to bring a car from Canada into the US.

Is Your Car Admissible? 

A vehicle being admissible into the US from anywhere internationally, including Canada, involves it conforming to the regulations set by the Department of Transportation (DOT) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). From Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) on vehicles less than 25 years old to bumper standards and theft prevention on vehicles manufactured after 1978, there are many necessary qualifications that an international vehicle has to meet in order to be eligible for entrance into the US. 

Fortunately, cars and trucks that have been manufactured with these standards typically have a certification label on the driver’s side door. A vehicle that does not have this certification will need to be imported as a non-conforming vehicle, which will involve another potentially costly step. 

Other Considerations

There are many things to consider when importing a vehicle from Canada into the US; for example, what you are importing this vehicle for entirely changes the kind of paperwork that is required when you import it. A personal use import is fundamentally different from a resale or a temporary importation, and knowing what you are going to need before you begin is a crucial step toward a smooth transaction. 

Additionally, there are several key differences between Canadian and US regulations regarding the importation of vehicles. Particularly if you just finished importing this vehicle into Canada, these differences can pose a significant challenge at Customs. For example, Canada allows for vehicles that are 15 years or older to be imported from overseas, which compares sharply to the US’s 25, so be aware that there may not be as much overlap in regulations as you might expect. 

With so many variables to conform to and consider, you are always well advised to check with your customs broker before purchasing a vehicle you intend on shipping south. 

What if Your Car is Not Admissible?

If your vehicle is non-conforming, then you will need to contact a DOT-registered importer (RI) for the appropriate modifications and as a certifier that all applicable FMVSS have been met. During this time, the importer is required to post a DOT bond equal to one and a half times the vehicle’s dutiable rate. 

As a word of caution, before an RI can make the necessary changes, it must be determined whether your vehicle can even be appropriately modified. If the vehicle you are attempting to bring into compliance is not similar to one sold in the US, then this process can become, and we are quoting the official Customs and Border Protection guidelines, “complex and costly.” 

Discussing your import with your broker and RI before purchasing a vehicle you intend to import is recommended because the increased cost could become prohibitive. 

Knowing the finer points of importing a vehicle from Canada into the US requires years of experience and intimate knowledge of no less than three government agency requirements. It is almost always worth investing in the expertise of a broker, but for vehicles, their expertise is uniquely valuable - especially if you talk to them before you purchase the vehicle you intend to import. 

For help getting your vehicle where it needs to go, contact our team today. We can help you get your vehicle where it needs to go!

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About Author
Breanna Leininger

Breanna has been in the industry since 2004 and has dealt with clearances and compliance concerns for a multitude of commodities for all ports of entry and all modes of transportation. She has a Bachelors in Communications, Bachelors in Political Science & Government, is a Licensed Customs Broker as well as Certified Customs Specialist. Breanna has been asked to be the speaker in a variety of events including the BC Agriculture Show, Doing Business in the US seminar and has been a contributor to Small Business BC publications. She was recently nominated for the NCBFAA Government Affairs Conference Emerging Leaders and Mentors by the NBCBA. She participates in the Northern Border Customs Brokers Association and the NCBFAA annual conferences in Washington, DC. Breanna has a deep passion for politics, global affairs, and how communication shapes policy and international business relationships. She feels very fortunate to work in an industry that allows her to take part in how policy impacts the global economy and domestic businesses of all shapes and sizes.

While we strive for accuracy in all our communications, as the Importer of Record it is incumbent upon your company to ensure that you are aware of the requirements under the new regulations so that you maintain compliance as always.
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