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Trade Topics

How to Contend with Unexpected Delays when Importing into the US

Let’s imagine a situation: You have been working on a new product for months, researching the rules for importing goods into the US, common mistakes to avoid when importing into the US, and what must be declared at US Customs. You put in the work and the preparation in an effort to best prepare yourself for the day it arrives. 

November 23, 2018


John Doe


Importing and Travelling with Dogs Into the US After August 1st.

Beginning on August 1st, 2024, stricter rules are coming into play regarding dogs crossing the border into the US. While this may seem largely irrelevant to standard US importers, these additional rules surrounding dogs may have a significant knock-on effect for your trade in ways that may not seem immediately obvious. 

November 23, 2018


John Doe


Bonds Part 3 - Temporary Import Bonds, E29Bs, and Carnets.

The last of our bonds series tackles one of the more niche uses for a Customs bond - the Temporary Import Bond (TIB) or, as its equivalent is known in Canada, the E29B. Essentially, these two allow importers to bring items into their respective countries that are intended to be exported unchanged after a brief period - with the notable exception of repairs and overhauls.

November 23, 2018


John Doe


What Is The FDA, And What Is It Responsible For?

What is the FDA? The FDA, or the Food and Drug Administration, is the federal agency most responsible for ensuring that food, drugs, cosmetics, and other related items are safe, clean, and correctly labeled for human and pet

November 23, 2018


John Doe